Personalized Solutions

Provide open-ended funds as well as bespoke portfolio products (segregated accounts, sub-advisory relationships) tailored to your specific investment needs

Company Visits

Opportunity to accompany our team during their travels and getting an up-close look at our investment process and the companies we cover

Ongoing Communications

Monthly fund reports provided to all investors, covering fund performance, market commentary, and portfolio holdings

Flexible Asset Allocation

Portfolios are index-agnostic so able to act quickly on changing trends in the macroeconomic or policy-driven environment



Industry Research

Deep understanding, experience, and expertise in key Chinese industries that require an on-the-ground presence

Annual Conference

We will soon restart our annual conference series that feature long-time industry contacts, policy experts, portfolio companies

Diverse cross-market investment experience

Differentiated, well-diversified portfolios with small- to mid-cap bias

Pioneering team committed to “hands-on” company research

Continuous and transparent communication with all clients

Stringent risk management and investment discipline

Time-tested and proven investment process 

What We Offer